Service area
Geometric design of road infrastructure and pavement design
Geometric design of road infrastructure, Pavement Design, BIM Modeling, Safety and Road Signaling
Saceem-Grinor Consortium
Ing. Gustavo Amor
April 2019 – May 2021
Montevideo, Uruguay
Actual state
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CDS Ingenieros was hired by the Saceem-Grinor Consortium for the elaboration of the Road Executive Project regarding the “Licitación Pública Nro. 21581: Redefinición de la Circulación – Rambla Portuaria -” of the city of Montevideo.
Scope of services:
The project was divided into 2 parts: Executive project of the new North access to the ANP port and Executive project of the Viaduct. The scope and components of each of them are detailed below:
Executive Project of the Northern Access Road to the ANP port
- Based on the design standards defined and agreed with the ANP, plans and altimetries were projected for the north esplanade and the internal streets affected by the work, in accordance with the AASTHO guidelines “A Policy on Geometric Design of Highways and Streets “2011 version and international standards applicable to this type of work.
- In the same way, the structural packages to be used were designed, including Paving Stones and Roller Compacted Concrete (RCC), as well as the rest of the elements that constitute the characteristics of the typical cross-section.
Executive Project of Viaduct Road Infrastructure
- Based on the design standards defined and agreed with the MTOP, plans and altimetries were projected for the viaduct, the access and exit branches, and the streets affected by the work, in accordance with the AASTHO guidelines “A Policy on Geometric Design of Highways and Streets – Version 2011”.
- In addition to considering all the usual parameters for a project of these characteristics, all the particular aspects of the work were addressed, such as construction procedures and difficulties that can be anticipated during construction, especially in areas where traffic is affected.
- Additionally, the structural packages to be used were designed, including concrete pavements, as well as the rest of the elements that constitute the characteristics of the typical cross-section.
- The signaling project for the entire viaduct was drawn up in accordance with the “Norma Uruguaya de Señalización Horizontal y Vertical” and the “Pliego de Condiciones Particulares para las obras de iluminación, semáforos y destellantes”
Technical team:
Ing. Diego Nollenberger, Ing. Nelson Pintos, Ing. Álvaro López, Ing. Gonzalo Cánepa, AT. Gonzalo Abella, AT. Fernando Hernández.